How to Find People Who Want Your Beats Using the Pull Marketing Strategy


In the video above and the article below, we go over how you can bring artists into your world and potentially increase your beat sales!

Pull marketing strategy

Pull marketing is increasing demand for your products or services by creating content around them (or the problem that they solve). You can create content on your social media platforms, educating people on the solutions that your products or services provide. By doing so, you're giving them value through information and helping them solve problems by educating them. As a result, they'll be more likely to trust you when it comes to making a decision and purchasing something from you. 


If your target market is artists, you’d want to create content that you know will help artists. You should figure out what their pain points are by doing research on them and frequenting forums/social media platforms that they use. Examples of content that you can create to pull artists onto your Instagram page or YouTube channel include how to prepare for studio sessions, questions to ask engineers, tips on vocal warmup/recording techniques, etc. One major pain point that a lot of artists have is learning how to market their music. They may not know how to get their music out there in front of new people on a daily basis, so you may be able to provide some tips that can help them get their music in front of potential fans. This could be things such as tips and tricks on how to get more streams, how to get on Spotify playlists, or how to book more live shows. A lot of people struggle with understanding publishing and making sure their legal affairs are in order when it comes to their music, so you could also give them music business tips that can help take their careers to the next level.

Understand your target market

The pull marketing strategy is most effective when you understand your target market. To continue with the aforementioned example, in this case, it would be artists. But you need to know what genre of artists you’re targeting in order to create customized content that will resonate with them. This will increase the impact/effectiveness of your content and draw the right types of people into your world so that it makes sense when it comes time for them to do a transaction with you. Once you've figured out who your target audience is, you’ll want to create content that will educate, entertain, or inspire them (or it can be a combination of the three). Here’s a helpful tip: you may already have an email list of artists who have purchased your beats. You can go to Google Forms and create a free survey to send out to your email list so that you get an idea of what they’re interested in. This way, you’ll know exactly what kind of content to create in order to help them. As a result, you’ll also help other artists who have similar interests and/or pain points as the ones in your email list.

What platforms can I use?

  • Instagram: Instagram reels are a fun and interactive way to educate people. They’re quick and straight to the point. Since it's a newer feature on Instagram (at the time of this publication), the algorithm favors it. You can also create a short/longform video or a regular post with a picture, educating your audience through the caption. The longer your audience stays on a post to watch a video or read a caption, the more Instagram’s algorithm favors your post because it shows that people are interested in your content. Another great feature on Instagram is carousels because now you can break a concept or tips down into up to 10 photos. 

  • YouTube: On YouTube, you can create tutorials, short/longform tip videos, interviews, live Q&As, live streams, and YouTube shorts (which are just like IG reels). All of these can be used to increase your exposure and the value you’re giving to your target audience. It’s important to note that you need to optimize your titles and descriptions for SEO so that your target audience can actually find your videos. If you don't use the proper keywords, it's going to be harder for people to find them. 

  • Email: This is a great tool for sharing helpful information and articles that can provide your target audience with information and value. With email, you can also link to your other content such as an Instagram page, YouTube page, or blog post. Email is especially useful if you’re camera shy or an introvert since you can build a relationship with your audience without having to show your face. 

  • Podcast: A podcast can also be an educational platform that you might consider utilizing. You could give tips or interview people who would help your target audience, just as an example. Podcasts are also not as complicated as shooting and editing videos, so they’re a low-cost and efficient way of getting your content out there.

The pull marketing strategy is very powerful when executed correctly, and to wrap up this topic, here are 3 reasons why:

  1. It allows you to offer more than just beats. Try to segment your content with 80% of it being value and 20% of it being selling. Over time, when you just keep giving, eventually people naturally feel the obligation to give that value back to you in some type of way. 

  2. It allows you to build trust and credibility with your followers. When you post tips and strategies that help them, you become an authority in your space and they'll begin to look to you for advice as they advance in their career as an artist.

  3. It allows you to always be top of mind when artists are looking for beats. For example, if you’re always providing content that helps artists, one of the first people they’ll think of when it comes time for them to record a project or single is you because they engage with that content consistently.

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