How to Increase Your Placements

Airbit producer Drumatik has been fortunate enough to land some placements with artists as well as sync placements for tv and film. Each of those placements happened differently, but there are several things every producer can do to increase their chances of getting their beats heard by the right people. In this article, we’ll cover tips for artist placements and sync placements.


Artist Placements

Tip #1: Connect

When it comes to securing artist placements, you’ll first need to make a connection. Creatives aren’t always the best at answering DM’s, responding to emails, calls, or texts (we’re busy!). Therefore, Drumatik found that the best way to connect with an artist can be indirectly through their inner circle. You may have to do a little research and find out who their manager, stylist, photographer, engineer, or barber is. YES, even their barber! Having something, or better yet, someone, in common, can be key to connecting with the artist you have in mind. That old saying, “it’s who you know,” has been around forever for a reason. 

Tip #2: Research Writers

Find songwriters that fit the genre or maybe already have a relationship with the artist you’re looking to get a placement with. A placement can be a layup if your beat already has a great verse or hook written by a writer that already has a relationship with the artist! This takes a little research, but it’s a no-brainer.

Tip #3 – Collab, Collab, Collab

If you’re a producer looking to increase your chances of getting placements, collaborate with other producers as much as you possibly can. Music is a team sport and TEAMWORK will definitely make the dream work in terms of getting your placement game popping. 


Sync Placements

Tip #1: Build Relationships

Research and build relationships with tv/film producers, editors, and music supervisors. If you’re a producer looking for placements on tv/film, you have to be creative and figure out who the people are behind the scenes that make tv shows and movies happen! One helpful tool is also the most obvious: IMDB. This searchable database lists everyone who worked on any aspect of a film or tv show. 

Tip #2: Connect with Filmmakers 

Reach out to indie filmmakers. Independent filmmakers don’t always have the biggest budget, but at the end of the day, a placement is a placement. And if the right film ends up in the right indie film festival, that could huge for your career as a music producer. 

Landing placements isn’t only about making the best beats — you also have to make genuine relationships with people. If you want to be a professional producer, you have think and carry yourself like a professional. When emailing beats, whether they’re for artist or sync placements, make sure to introduce yourself, use a proper greeting, and keep a mind to grammar and spelling. 

When it comes to artists, know what keys that artist tends to sing in or the tempo ranges they tend to make songs in. When it comes to sync, make sure you know when and when not to use your producer tag.

Last, but not least, make sure you understand how to format your beats and be sure to double and triple check you mixes. A bad mix or weird format can hurt your chance of getting the placement you’ve been waiting for! 

Always keep pushing to become a better producer, and increase your chances of getting those placements you’ve been working so hard for. If you liked what you’ve read here, be sure to check out the rest of our content on the Creator Hub for more tips, tricks, and how-to’s, to level-up your independent music career.

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