How to Email Your Beats For Placements and Sales

Airbit producer Drumatik unpacks the things you can do to increase your chances of those emailed beats turning into placements and sales


As a producer, emailing beats can feel a little anti-climactic. After spending long hours in the studio doing what you love (making beats!), you put extra thought into a nice 500-beat care package of all your bangers. You even put a million fire emojis in the subject line and for what? No response! As music creators, we’ve all been there. But, Airbit producer Drumatik has unpacked some of the things you can do to increase your changes of those emailed beats turning into placements and sales.

#1: Be professional.
Avoid giving off spammy vibes: Don’t use emojis in the subject line or anywhere else in the email. Instead, treat the subject line as your first impression. It should include your producer name and how many beats you’re sending. Keep it simple and to-the-point. As for the body of the email, less is more: Don’t over explain the beats that you’re sending. If the music is good, and the recipient takes the time to listen, the music will speak for itself.

#2: Know the artist.
Targeting the type of beats to send to a potential artist or client is imperative. For starters, you should know the style of the music the artist makes. Study the artist’s catalogue, and compare it with your beats. That way, you can rest assured that you’re sending the strongest possible beats. If you’re sending beats to writers, be familiar with their style of songwriting, and make sure the beats are properly formatted.

#3: Don’t send too many.
Don’t flood them with beats! Again less is more. If you’re sending beats via email, three-to-four beats at a time is plenty. Getting an email with 50 attachments and 27 links can be overwhelming for anybody, and might just be the reason your beats get skipped. If the recipient of that email likes the four beats you targeted to them, they’ll ask you to send more.

#4: File types matter.
Don’t send weird format files or massive wav files. MP3’s are fine. When sending your beats via email, you’ll be able to send out at least a few MP3s at a time, depending on how long the beats are. And MP3’s are just easier when it comes to playing beats on mobile devices, which is how a majority of people consume content, including music. Of course, you’ll hope the recipient later shuts themselves in their studio with headphones, for a dedicated listening session of work, but it’s safe to assume that your beats may first be played on mobile.

We hope these tips will inspire you to keep pushing to become a better producer and business person, and will increase your chances of getting placements and selling more beats. If you liked what you’ve heard here, be sure to check out the rest of our content on the Creator Hub for more tips, tricks, and how-to’s.

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