How to Set Up and Market Your YouTube as a Music Producer


If you’ve arrived at this page, chances are, you already have a YouTube channel and are just looking for ways to market it. But on the off chance that you’re starting from the ground up, we highly recommend you watch the video linked above for tips on setting up your channel. In this article, we’ll be giving you pointers for marketing your YouTube channel. Let’s get right into it!

1. Playlists

If you're a producer and you upload your beats on YouTube, but you also upload other types of videos, make a playlist specifically for your music. That way, when people come to your channel, your music is nice and organized. You can also put any other types of videos into different playlists, just to keep your channel organized for your viewers. 

2. Collaboration

Consider collaborating with other producers and content creators on YouTube. For example, you can collaborate with another producer on a type beat, or maybe a couple of beats, and upload them to both of your channels. That way you can cross promote each other, introducing one another to your respective viewers. You could also have them on your channel for content such as interviews. You could collaborate with content creators from all fields and industries. If you have friends that have YouTube channels, offer them a couple of beats and have them credit you in the description box and link back to your store, or even have them shout you out in a video. This works for practically any industry because content creators always need music in their videos. 

3. Commenting on other videos

When you comment on other people's videos, this gives their viewers the potential to find your channel. You can make your name known in as many places as possible, but we suggest commenting on channels that you genuinely support so that you leave a comment with some thought behind it. Also, make sure you don't spam, but at the same time, don’t be afraid to engage with content that appeals to you. 

4. Utilize SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization. This means making sure your content will appear on YouTube when people search for it using relevant keywords, phrases, tags in your title and in your description box. You can use the YouTube search bar for this! Think about topics you would want to cover and just start searching them up. If it pops up relatively quickly, that means it's a popular search query and it might be worth diving into. For example, if you search FL studio, one of the first videos that comes up is “FL studio beginner tutorial,” making it a topic that you may want to cover more extensively. We also suggest using the free version of TubeBuddy, which you can look up and download. It allows you to see which tags and keywords are being searched and it'll score your video's SEO. 

5. Social media 

Use social media to your advantage! Tweet regularly, post relevant content on Instagram, and join Facebook and Reddit communities. The key is to be active on social media so that people already know who you are and engage with you when you share your content. 

6. Invest in quality equipment 

When you're first starting out, you don't necessarily need quality equipment. You can start with your iPhone and with your computer’s built in video editing software. But if you're consistent, at some point you are probably going to outgrow that. It's best to prepare to invest in a good camera, a light or two, a tripod, a microphone, and editing softwares such as Premiere Pro or After Effects. You don’t need to go out and spend thousands of dollars, but simply put, better equipment can give you better results. 

7. Professional thumbnails

Make sure all of your videos have professional thumbnails! This is the first thing that people see when they come across your channel or one of your videos, so make sure that you leave a lasting impression. If you don't use Photoshop, we recommend Canva. It's free and it'll allow you to make great looking thumbnails. If you need some ideas, look at some of your favorite YouTube channels and see what they do for their thumbnails. Alternatively, you can also look up how to create YouTube thumbnails online and you'll get plenty of help. 

8. Utilize email lists

By utilizing email lists, you can update your subscribers whenever you have a new video. You can also connect directly to your subscribers without worrying about an algorithm that may or may not show your followers your content. To make adding subscribers to your list seamless and easy, you can utilize Airbit’s mailing list integration feature!

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